
Why Do We Give?

We recognize that everything we have has been entrusted to us by God.  In the truest sense, we are not owners of anything but rather stewards and we are called to be faithful stewards.  Giving is an act of obedience to God’s command and a recurring act of trust in his goodness and continued provision.  Giving cheerfully helps steer our hearts away from the idols of this world, for where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.  We do not give to get and yet we know that we cannot out-give God.  About giving, God says, “Test me in this!” (Malachi 3:10)

Ways To Give

Give Online Or On Our App

Either on the website or through the CrossView Church App you are able give a one-time or recurring offering.


Forms are available to give automatically from your checking account. Fill out the form and provide a voided check to get started.  Contact the church administrator for the form.

Give In Person

During our service we do not pass around a basket for offering, but rather have a place near the entrance where people may drop off their tithes.

Mail A Check

Envelopes are available to anyone who would like to give via check or cash.  Your envelope number is assigned to you so that you are able to receive an annual giving report for tax purposes.  Your envelopes can be mailed to the church (701 14th St, Fulton, IL 61252) or dropped in the offering receptacle at church.  Contact the administrative assistant if you would like to receive envelopes.